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CWWC: Mobilizing to Get Women Outdoors via The Clymb


Melissa DeMarie wasn’t the first kick­ass lady who said these words—I believe that was Eleanor Roo­sevelt. But as she stood in front of a bus full of 50 white­wa­ter women who had just charged down a stretch of Class III rapids, I knew that I wasn’t the only one who felt the words resonate.


All over the coun­try women are mobi­liz­ing into out­door adven­ture orga­ni­za­tions that cater specif­i­cally to females, cre­at­ing a safe and fun space for them to learn from one another and test their lim­its. Last sum­mer, Melissa orga­nized and insti­gated a women’s only water­sport coali­tion to get more girls out on the river and con­nect­ing with each other…

Read the full article by Jill Sanford here.

Author Jill Sanford lives in Truckee, California and dabbles as a creative storyteller, freelance journalist and climate advocate. Keep an eye out for her paddling in a pink kayak, climbing granite slopes or doodling in a journal.

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